Monday, March 19, 2012

Nandana Vugaadi - Bhuvanavijayam

Sri Nandana naama Samvathsara


‘Bhuvanavijayam’ Invitation

On the occasion of ‘Ugadi’, on Thursday, 22/03/2012, one day ahead of the auspicious day, at 09:00 a.m., we are celebrating with ‘Bhuvanavijayam’

At Haritha Ecological Institute, Palvancha.

You are cordially invited with your family and friends.In ‘Bhuvanavijayam’ students play the roles of past poets. In this educational and cultural entertainer there will be …

  • Introduction of poets
  • Recitation of poems
  • Padya ‘Avadhanam’
  • Self poetry created by students
  • Dattapadi
  • Vedic & speed math ‘Avadhanam’
  • Display of manuscripts authored by students

Please make it convenient to grace the occasion without fail.

With best wishes for Ugadi,

Students and teachers

Haritha Ecological Institute


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Haritha @ 20

Haritha is not an individual. Haritha is an idea… is a way of education. Even though it began 1988, got registered as a society, ”Haritha Association for Learning from Environment(HALE)”in 1992.All though up to Intermediate (Class 12) were functional till 1999. The efforts in school education were limited up to only class 10 ever since.

Haritha is going on Twenty. Published 44 books.

Haritha won…

Best school Award at District level in 2006.

Green school Award at State level in 2007.

Haritha was recognized as a nodal center for Environment Education.

Evolved a new view, as a variant “Nai Taleem” which is Gandhiji’s last experiment and has been recognized as such by NCRI, an autonomous body of MHRD Govt. of India.

that education must be with day to day productive activities was the basic idea of Haritha’s method of education when it was originally started, in the day when

“Nai Talim” was not known ( to Haritha). Closeness of the Haritha idea to that of

Nai Talim became clear much later.

But then, what is the new idea that Haritha came up with and proposes as a variant of Nai Talim? Whether day to day activities or productive activities… these can and should be correlated to modern school education and be made part thereof that productive activities, remunerative or otherwise should not be viewed as

extra curricular activities, but must be brought into main stream school education” is the new angle that Haritha added as a variant of Nai Talim. This is the essence of Haritha’s journey towards holistic education.

In this main stream school becomes a hub of technology provides the spirit of enquiry enables the school to earn for meeting its expenses(at least partly?). Empowers the local community through livelihood generation and becomes the center of the community. Becomes the basis of educated society. In the sequence of human evolution the pace real progress(one that is sustainable) quickens. The journey, thus far of Haritha has been experimental. For this to either remain as a role model or become firmly established… two things urgently needed.

1. Those who support this policy of education need to join Haritha Association and strengthen its functioning.

2. At least some productive activities are to be taken up to the level of micro-enterprises and not limit to just being experiments(in the main stream school education).

These micro-enterprises would be school laboratories where every day students work for an hour or so. Teachers work for about 3 to 4 hours. Some of the other community members work full time for their livelihood . Students try to observe, in what they do, the concepts they read about in text books/class rooms. Teachers try to correlate the work they do to the lessons they teach. Entrepreneurs from community scale up the technologies in the community, successfully.

The income from the productive activities of the micro-enterprises would be used for students, teachers and maintenance and enhancing the school activities. In this educational method there is sustained/happiness, bubbling activity, spirit of investigation, creativity, drive for self sufficiency and self respect, responsibility, dignity of labor, respect for democratic values and development of personality.

This is ‘Scientific’ education. This is ‘holistic’ education.

This is the invitation to script the epic success story of the educational method.


Haritha Ecological Institute,P.B. No.26,B.C.M.Road, Palvancha-507115,Khammam Dist.,A.P.,India.

Mail at:,See at:,Phone at: 08744-25506,9397382796


¶¬±¼hµ @20

¶¬±¼hµ LOµ ¶¢ïOºå O¸lµÀ. ¶¬±¼hµ LOµ sû¹¶¢A. LOµ £l¸ï £lû¸¶mA.1988 vÑ È¢ÀÀlµËvÇm¸ 1992

Haritha Association for Learning from Environment Êp±µÀhÐ LOµ Society S¸ ±¼Z¶ªà±³ C±ÀÀAl¼.1999 ¶¢±µOµÀ EAd±¿îfº±ÀÇÀd³ hµ±µSµhµÀv ¶¢±µOµÀ GAfºm¸, 1999 ¶mÀAfº ¶plµ¶¢ hµ±µSµi ¶¢±µOÉ ¶p±¼£ÀhµËÈ¢À q¸eµ¥¹v £lµïvÑ OµÅ»¨ VÉ«ÒåAl¼. E¶pÁýêfµÀ ¶¬±¼hµOº 20¶¢ ¶ªA¶¢hµù±µA ¶mfµÀ«ÒåAl¼.

2006 vÑ Zv¹ô «¸æ±ÀÀvÑ Best School Award ¶¢WÛAl¼.

2007 vÑ ±¸¶¨àò «¸æ±ÀÀvÑ Green School Award ¶¢WÛAl¼.

¶¬±¼hµ F 20 ¶ªA¶¢hµù±¸vvÑ 44 ¶pÁ¶ªåO¸vÀ ¶pñVµÀ±¼AWAl¼.

¶p±¸ï¶¢±µg £lµï(Environmental Education)Oº P¶¢ÀîA Zv¹ôOº OÉAlµñAS¸ SµÀ±¼åA¶psfºAl¼.

¶¢À¶®h¸î S¸Alû¿ hµ¶m a£hµAvÑ WdàW¶¢±µS¸ VÉ»ª¶m ¶pñ±ÀÇÃSµAS¸, ¶pnS¸ VǶpêsfº¶m ¶m±ÀÃh¸x´¢À £lµïOº M ¶ª±¼OÍhµå OÐg¸né D£¶¨Ö±¼AW, YÑfºAW, OÉAlµñ ¶pñsûµÀhµö ¶¢Ã¶m¶¢ ¶¢¶m±µÀv Ctû¶¢Ål¼è ¶¢ÀAiñhµö ¥¹P

(Ministry of Human Resource Development Govt. of India) vÑ CAhµ±¸íSµËÈ¢À¶m

National Council of Rural Institutes (NCRI) VÉhµ SµÀ±¼åA¶psfºAl¼.

±ÐYÄ ¢¸±¿ ¶p¶mÀvÀ(day to day Activities) hÐ VµlµÀ¶¢ÁvÀ GAf¸vAdà ȢÀÀlµËvÇAl¼ ¶¬±¼hµ sû¹¶¢A.

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LOµdº... F £l¸ï£lû¸m¸né ¶ª¶¢À±¼æAVÉ¢¸±µÀ Haritha Association vÑ ¶ªsûµÀïvÀS¸ Vɱ¼,

Haritha Association n svÑÊphµA VɱÀµÃw.

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Haritha Ecological Institute,P.B. No.26,B.C.M.Road, Palvancha-507115,Khammam Dist.,A.P.,India.

Mail at:,See at:,Phone at: 08744-25506,9397382796

Tuesday, March 6, 2012



Haritha Ecological Institute, P.B.:NO.:26, B.C.M.Road, Harithapuri, Palvancha-507115, Khammam Dt., A.P.

Phone at: 08744-255060, E-mail at:, See at:


Date: 22-03-2012

Time: 9 am to 05 pm

Venue: Haritha Ecological Institute,Palvancha

(RSVP to 9397382796)


1. Membership of Haritha Association

2. Strengthening of Haritha Ecological Institute

3. Planning for the academic year 2012-2013

Our Vision

Only by integrating our educational policy with productive activities, the goals of "education for all" would be achieved; holistic and scientific education would become a reality. It is only through such an education policy that true and lasting solutions to societal, community and individual problems can be found. Combining the education even at school level with scientific research for sustainable development at the societal, community, and individual levels can only be achieved by relying on renewable and local resources of materials and energy.

The above can alone provide the right attitudes and values including the ones for inquisitiveness, creativity and innovation to make research at all levels, including the higher (university) level more productive, successful and meaningful to the society.

Our Mission

To develop educational curriculum at all levels, starting at primary school education level which is related to productive activities as experiments in the 'field laboratory', which is the place of work itself.

To show a Model School where this is implemented

To build a Resource and Training Centre for scaling up the above practices in the main stream school education using the latest ICT (Information and Communication Technology).