Friday, June 24, 2011
20 సంవత్సరాల హరిత
¶¬±¼hµ LOµ ¶¢ïOºå O¸lµÀ.
¶¬±¼hµ LOµ sû¹¶¢A.
LOµ £l¸ï £lû¸¶mA.
1988 vÑ È¢ÀÀlµËvÇm¸
1992 Haritha Association for Learning from Environment Êp±µÀhÐ
LOµ Society S¸ ±¼Z¶ªà±³ C±ÀÀAl¼.
1999 ¶¢±µOµÀ EAd±¿îfº±ÀµÀd³ hµ±µSµhµÀv ¶¢±µOµÀ GAfºm¸
1999 ¶mÀAfº ¶plµ¶¢ hµ±µSµi ¶¢±µOÉ ¶p±¼£ÀhµËÈ¢À q¸eµ¥¹v £lµïvÑ OµÅ»¨ VÉ«ÒåAl¼.
E¶pÁýêfµÀ ¶¬±¼hµOº 20¶¢ ¶ªA¶¢hµù±µA ¶mfµÀ«ÒåAl¼.
2006 vÑ Zv¹ô «¸æ±ÀÀvÑ Best School Award ¶¢WÛAl¼.
2007 vÑ ±¸¶¨àò «¸æ±ÀÀvÑ Green School Award ¶¢WÛAl¼.
¶¬±¼hµ F 20 ¶ªA¶¢hµù±¸vvÑ 44 ¶pÁ¶ªåO¸vÀ ¶pñVµÀ±¼AWAl¼.
¶p±¸ï¶¢±µg £lµï (Environmental Education) Oº P¶¢ÀîA Zv¹ôOº OÉAlµñAS¸ SµÀ±¼åAVµsfºAl¼.
¶¢À¶®h¸î S¸Alû¿ hµ¶m a£hµAvÑ Wdà W¶¢±µS¸
VÉ»ª¶m ¶pñ±ÀÇÃSµAS¸, ¶pnS¸ VǶpêsfº¶m
¶m±Àà h¸x´¢À £lµïOº M ¶ª±¼OÍhµå OÐg¸né D£¶¨Ö±¼AW, YÑfºAW, OÉlµñ ¶pñsûµÀhµö
¶¢Ã¶m¶¢ ¶¢¶m±µÀv Ctû¶¢Ål¼è ¶¢ÀAiñhµö ¥¹P (Minstry of Human Resource Development Govt. of India) vÑ CAhµ±¸íSµËÈ¢À¶m
National Council of Rural Institutes(NCRI)VÉhµ SµÀ±¼åA¶psfºAl¼.
±ÐY ¢¸±¿ ¶p¶mÀvÀ (day to day Activities) hÐ VµlµÀ¶¢ÁvÀ GAf¸vAdà ȢÀÀlµËvÇAl¼ ¶¬±¼hµ sû¹¶¢A.
¶m±Àà h¸x´¢À SµÀ±¼AW hÇw±ÀµÀn ±ÐYÂv£.
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¶ª±¼OÍhµå OÐgA J£Àdº?
±ÐYÄ ¢¸±¿ ¶p¶mÀwé O¸¶¢VµÀÛ,Ghµêiå l¸±ÀµÀOµ ¶p¶mÀwé O¸¶¢VµÀÛ:
¶p¶mÀwé DlûµÀnOµ VµlµÀ¶¢ÁvOº C¶mÀ¶ªAlû¸¶mA VɱÀµÃw.
¶p¶mÀwé extra-curricular vÉl¸ co-curricular activities S¸ O¸OµÀAf¸...
¶pñlû¸¶m ¶ªñ¶¢Ai (Main Stream) vÑOº j¶ªÀOµÀ±¸¢¸w.
El¿ ¶¬±¼hµ D£¶¨Ö±¼AW, YÑfºAW¶m ¶ª±¼OÍhµå OÐgA.
El¿ ¶ª¶¢ÀSµñ £l¸ï £lû¸¶m ¶¢Ã±µØAvÑ ¶pñ±ÀµÃg «¸±µA.
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¶p±¼¥Ñlûµ¶mvOº qÒñhµ¶ªÀù C¶¢ÁhµÀAl¼.
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¶¬±¼hµ ¶pñ±ÀÇÃS¸hµîOµAS¸ ¶pñ±ÀµÃgºAWAl¼.
¶m¶¢ÀÃm¸S¸ nv¢¸vm¸é, ¶ªÀ»ªæ±µA O¸¢¸vm¸é,
OͶm«¸S¸vm¸é... ±ÇAfµÀ Y±µS¸w.
LOµdº... F £l¸ï £lû¸m¸né ¶ª¶¢À±¼æAVÉ ¢¸±µÀ
Haritha Association vÑ ¶ªsûµÀïvÀS¸ Vɱ¼,
Haritha Association n svÑÊphµA VɱÀµÃw.
±ÇAfµÀ... OÍné ¶p¶mÀwé C±ÀÀm¸ ¶pñ±ÀÇÃS¸vOº ¶¢ÃhµñÊ¢À
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ElÉ D¶®ö¶mA.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Haritha Ecological Institute, P.B.:NO.:26, B.C.M.Road, Harithapuri, Palvancha-507115, Khammam Dt., A.P.
Phone at: 08744-255060, E-mail at:, See at:
Date: 26-06-2011
Time: 9 am to 11 am
Venue: IIIT, Hyderabad
(RSVP to 9397382796)
1. Membership of Haritha Association
2. Strengthening of Haritha Ecological Institute
Our Vision
Only by integrating our educational policy with productive activities, the goals of "education for all" would be achieved; holistic and scientific education would become a reality. It is only through such an education policy that true and lasting solutions to societal, community and individual problems can be found. Combining the education even at school level with scientific research for sustainable development at the societal, community, and individual levels can only be achieved by relying on renewable and local resources of materials and energy.
The above can alone provide the right attitudes and values including the ones for inquisitiveness, creativity and innovation to make research at all levels, including the higher (university) level more productive, successful and meaningful to the society.
Our Mission
To develop educational curriculum at all levels, starting at primary school education level which is related to productive activities as experiments in the 'field laboratory', which is the place of work itself.
To show a Model School where this is implemented
To build a Resource and Training Center for scaling up the above practices in the main stream school education using the latest ICT (Information and Communication Technology).